Getting car insurance may not be the first thing a new driver thinks about, but it’s an essential aspect of every driver’s responsibilities, not just for their peace of mind but for other drivers on the road. However, you may be wondering, “how much car insurance costs for a new driver?” when shopping around for an insurance policy.
In this post, we’ll provide answers to your question and discuss other things you need to know about car insurance for a new driver.
What Makes You A New Driver?
Car insurance providers generally consider the following people first-time or new drivers:
- Drivers with a gap in driving
- Adults who start driving later in life
- Immigrants who are new to the U.S.
- Young drivers (under 25) that just got a driver’s license
- Drivers with a gap in care insurance coverage
- Young adults (under 25) that have yet to get car insurance or a driver’s license
You may be considered a new driver if you have less driving experience in the U.S.
How Much Does Car Insurance Cost For First Time Or New Drivers?
It’s challenging to know the exact cost of auto insurance because new or first-time drivers come from all walks of life. The cost of auto insurance for a new driver varies and depends on several factors and the type of car to be insured.
The average cost of auto insurance for new or first-time drivers is slightly higher than experienced drivers who have been on the road for years. But whether you’re an old or new driver, the same factors are taken into account when an insurance company decides how much you should pay for auto insurance coverage.
Why Is Car Insurance For New Drivers Expensive?
Auto insurance companies look at your insurance history and your driving license and record when setting your rates. However, you may not have much to show if you’re a new driver. Your years of experience on the road are more important than your age.
Auto insurance companies know you don’t become a safe and perfect driver overnight when you become an adult.
If you don’t have continuous insurance coverage or a good track record of safe driving, car insurance can also be expensive. If you’re an immigrant or teenager, you might not have a good credit score, which some insurers use to determine auto insurance rates.
Tips For Getting A Cheap Car Insurance For A New Driver
Follow the tips below when looking for the cheapest car insurance for a new driver,
1.   Shop around for coverage
You’ll need to shop around for different coverage if you’re a new driver. In general, it’s a good idea to get quotes from three to five insurers to get the cheapest rate before purchasing coverage. Consider the company’s price and coverage options, available discounts, and overall reputation.
2.    Purchase less coverage
Get car insurance as you can afford to minimize risk. You can save on your premium by only getting the minimum amount of car insurance required by your state. You can also refuse optional coverage such as roadside assistance and rental reimbursement insurance.
3.    Consider joining an existing policy
Adding auto insurance to your existing policy may raise your premiums. But considering how expensive car insurance for new drivers is, this might be a more cost-effective option than purchasing a new auto insurance policy.
4.    Choose a higher deductible
Another easy way a new driver can get cheap auto insurance is to raise your deductible. This means you’re responsible if you file certain types of claims. Therefore, you need to avoid choosing a deductible that’s more than what you can afford—the higher your insurance deductible, the lower your premium.
These tips apply this is your first time driving or if you’re getting back on the road after a long break from driving.
When Will New Driver Car Insurance Rates Drop?
Statistically, your car insurance rates will drop when you turn 25. Car insurance rates tend to be low for drivers in their 50s. Drivers with violations or accidents on their driving records will see higher rates, depending on how your state handles violations. So, if you want to see a drop in your car insurance rate, avoid accidents, drive safe, and maintain a good credit score. Life events like purchasing a house and getting married signify maturity and can reduce your auto insurance rate.
What’s Next?
While getting car insurance for a new drive can be expensive, you can still get an affordable rate. You can always talk to your insurer to see how you can lower your premiums.